We help CAD users draw faster.
If your looking for great CAD Add-Ons at a competitive price you are at the right place. We have been in the AutoCAD industry for over 30 years and are experts when it comes to helping you find the right software for your business.
We’re located in Bend, Oregon just east of the Cascades. We are proud to offer exclusive phone support in the U.S. and Canada. We also welcome international inquires as well. Feel free to drop us a note at our help desk today.
We look forward to serving you and hope that you will choose SimpleCAD as your number one place to shop for CAD.
So give us a call today at 877-933-3929 8-5 M-F PST, we are standing by to take your call.
Why choose SimpleCAD?
We’ll help you find the exact solution you need, and we’ll follow-up with insight and support that saves you time and money.In the world of CAD add-ons, it’s often hard to figure out the best solution for your unique needs.
Leave it to us. We’ve been in the business for more than 30 years, so we know every product out there. We do the research for you, so you don’t have to wade through all the sites, reviews, and conflicting opinions.
We make the decision simple, then we follow-up with exceptional service.
We’ve got it down. Give us a call or email us. 877-933-3929 8-5 PST M-F. We look forward to talking with you about your CAD needs.
About the founder
Erik Z. is the founder of SimpleCAD.com. Since 1983 he’s been involved with AutoCAD and 3rd party CAD applications. Erik has written several AutoCAD related add-ons, including a popular 3D roof modeling package.
Recently Erik has release a easy to follow CAD class for beginners called Shortcut CAD, so be sure to check that out as well.